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The availability of food is seriously threatened by the growing global population and shifting dietary preferences. By 2050, the world would need to produce nearly 70% (FAO estimate) more food to feed the estimated 9 billion population. This challenge is intensified by agriculture food system’s extreme vulnerability to climate change. Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) is an integrated approach for transforming and reorienting the agri-food systems towards green and climate-resilient practices. It is concerned about the achievement of sustainability in agriculture sector (economic, social, and environmental), that addresses the interlinked challenges of food security and climate change. In this backdrop, Vignan’s Foundation for Science Technology & Research (VFSTR) is organizing Global Conference on “Climate Smart Agriculture” with technical collaboration of Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI), International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Plant Protection Association of India (PPAI), Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural University (Dr. YSRHU), Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU), Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University (SKLTSHU) during 27th to 29th March 2023. This conference is envisioned as a platform intended to discuss upon the Climate Change perspectives, challenges and optimizations. There is a need to discuss threadbare with all stakeholders globally to attain the objectives of Climate Smart Agriculture and in-turn to help the farming community and to protect the environment.